Business Mastery Webinar

The BEAUTY in Financial Wellness

November 07, 2022

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Believe it or not, a stifling 87% of employees say that when it comes to finances, they want help.

Watch this Business Mastery webinar to learn:

  • 5 simple money metrics for greater financial wellness
  • How the MONEY PRO program can empower your staff for financial success
  • How the financial wellness of employees impacts your business

Complete this form to watch the webinar.

Content contributed by Erin Kuhn

As president of Qnity, Erin Kuhn imparts her passion for helping companies and individuals reach financial wellness through a simple, yet actionable approach. She has played a pivotal role in the global expansion and impact-driven mission of Qnity and believes in the power of education to transform.

The BEAUTY in Financial Wellness